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About Us

Travelosophi offers like-minded individuals with the opportunity to network amongtst high-level thinkers in cities & countries around the world. Join us for a group trip like no other. Affordable, inspirational, relaxing, fun & full of good energy. 


Get ready to join Nicole on an unforgettable journey through some of the world's most beautiful yet slept-on cities. As a successful entrepreneur since 2016, Nicole has accomplished quite a bit. She founded Leizure Living, a thriving wellness company that operates in both Atlanta and Nashville. On top of that, she has invested in property in Mexico, a decision that was heavily inspired by her love for the country's culture and beauty.


Nicole's passion for travel has taken her to a large number of different cities across various countries, inspiring her to hire a remote team and work digitally from Mexico or anywhere else in the world. This has allowed her to continue her journey while maintaining a thriving career. The experience has been truly transformative, inspiring her to pursue her interests in real estate and network with like-minded high-level thinkers.


Nicole understands the importance of building a strong community and creating meaningful connections with others. She has realized that in order to achieve great things, we cannot go at it alone. As such, she invites you to join her for a group trip that promises to be affordable, inspirational, relaxing, and fun. This group trip will offer an opportunity to network with other high-level thinkers, share experiences, and support each other's growth.


So why wait until retirement to live your best life? Nicole believes that with the right mindset and approach, you can achieve your dreams now. So, come along and be a part of a group trip like no other, full of good energy and camaraderie.


Fuck retiring at 60

when you can live that lifestyle now!

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